Tuesday, March 30, 2010
If you were stuck in a lifeboat with a skeleton and some drumsticks, would you try to play the skeleton's ribcage like a xylophone to keep yourself from going insane while you were waiting to be rescued??
yea probably,and i could use the skull for a drum and get my polo tha don on
15 questions can save you 15 percent or more,so ask anything.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Chicken or Beef?
my homeboy was throwin up chicken and beef fajitas this weekend,nigga got too drunk. the chicken looked better on his polo though.
For every question you ask i will donate a dollar to my fuck you pay me fund.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
What size shoe you wear? =)
10.5 or 11 dont even think about it.
For every question you ask i will donate a dollar to my fuck you pay me fund.
Monday, March 8, 2010
What is your most embarrassing moment.....
i cant think of anything good right now,but i've gone dt witout my i.d. and had to go all the way home to get it lol.
For every question you ask i will donate a dollar to my fuck you pay me fund.
Friday, March 5, 2010
If you could be any flavor, what flavor would you be? lol...I'd be the mystery flavor! lol
i would have to be the flavor of draank,which is minty peach. which tastes nothin like mint and nothin like peach. its the most unique flavor i've ever tasted.
For every question you ask i will donate a dollar to my pork skins fund.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
damn i see you doin tha formspring thing lmaoo. yea i wrote'em but i aint sent it yet. i know i been bullshittin i need to quit it. :/
For every question you ask i will donate a dollar to my pork skins fund.
Monday, March 1, 2010
What about your hot fries fund??? ;)
the hot fries fund was left in a deficit by george bush and obama aint done shit wit it in his 1st year in office. so i'm prolly have to put up all the money my damn self. hot fries for everybody!
For every question you ask i will donate a dollar to my pork skins fund.